Reviewing and confirming deployments

Tair Asim
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2017


“Deploying software is a balancing act: you want your product to quickly improve, but not at the expense of stability.” — Zach Holman

It’s one of those quotes from Zach that we couldn’t agree more. There are just too many things to juggle and asking your teammates to review a deployed feature is one of them.

Say you wanted to pause your deployment and get a confirmation from your QA engineer, teammate, or a product manager. Usually, you’d have to manually coordinate this process and pass around any deployment-related information. However, that’s time-consuming and not fun at all.

So, today we’d like to introduce our latest feature that improves the process of reviewing and confirming deployments. Here is how it works.

Open any of your existing pipelines and add our new Manual step. In our example, we have an Ember CLI deploy based project, where we deploy a new revision, request a confirmation from Developers team, and once it’s approved, activate revision in Production.

Ember CLI Deploy Pipeline with confirmations

Now, when you trigger a deployment and execution reaches a Manual stage, selected people will receive a confirmation notification right inside Slack. Approving or rejecting a deployment is as easy as clicking the interactive Slack button:

Confirm deployments from Slack

Once deployment is approved, execution continues. If it’s rejected though, the team is notified and deployment results in a Rejected state, which is clearly visible on the Pipeline Board.

Pipeline Board with rejected deployments

Deployment Confirmations is available in our Plus plan, so give it a try. In the meanwhile, we’ll be extending this feature with more functionality and as always, we’d love to hear your feedback, which you can leave in the comments below, by tweeting us @dockbit or sending an email.

Dockbit turns your complex software deployments into simple, manageable workflows. Sign up now to get your 2 pipelines for free, connect dozens of services together, and kick-off deployments with a single Slack command. 🚀



Founding engineer @_buildspace 🦄 Made: @snipyio @getslashdeploy Prev: @Groove , @Dockbit & Deveo Helping devs to get into Web3, one block at a time 🚀